Monday 30 December 2013

Stitching Around the Block

It's only taken me 3 years to turn my Stitching Around the Block flimsy into something. I decided I needed a cushion for my chair so this afternoon I made one.
Stitching around the block was a project run by Hugs n Kisses. You can still find the instructions here.
My team included Kez, Dawnie and Bec. Sadly Dawnie's block went missing, lost in Australia Post somewhere. 

Thursday 26 December 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas Day always goes in the blink of an eye. Traditionally it's always quiet at our place and most years we disappear camping but this year since we're both back at work on the 2nd we decided to just have some R & R at home with a few day trips in between.
We did feast though, bacon and eggs for breaky, delicious salmon and salads for lunch and roast lamb and vegies for dinner followed by trifle a traditional family recipe.
The online group I belong too, Friends in Stitching, did a secret santa swap. We had to send five items, S for Santa, A for Antlers, N for Nativity, T for Treat and A for Angel plus a main gift.
Bec sent to me
The main gift
Thank you Bec! I sent to Helen, you can see what I sent here.
I also recieved a gorgeous gift from long time school friend Valerie
A beautiful scarf and the most adorable minature schnauzer brooch, just like my lucy.
My boys spoilt me too, beautiful earings, itunes card and a gel nail kit (lets just say I'm no professional when it comes to nails!)
So Christmas is over for another year, I hope you all enjoy a great New Years and all the best for 2014!

Saturday 14 December 2013

Xmas swapping for 2013

Xmas parcels are on there way tovarious destinations and one even touched down at my place from a fellow Friend in Stitching
I made a lovely purchase for myself this week, too cute to resist
Look for a rose by any other name on Facebook, she has some great pieces at excellent prices.
and the last two ATCs for the Alphabet ATC swap are completed and on there way to the US.