Tuesday 5 June 2012

Two Little Chicks

 Two little chicky babes have been visiting with me. They stowed away (Loz did it!) in Helen's luggage and made the crossing to Tasmania. Helen was too busy to play the perfect host as she was preparing for Spring Market so she asked if they could billet at my place for awhile. 

I'm sad to say that not much stitching has been happening around my place lately as Uni and work have had priority but the girls did get to see my craft room and check out my stash.

I did take them on a trip up to the top of Mt Wellington but it was blowing a gale and I didn't want to take them out of the car in case they flew blew away. You couldn't see much anyway as a cloud had settled over the mountain.

So Peg and Dale thank you for visiting my humble abode and I wish you a safe journey as you head to......??
Sorry, can't revel that, you'll have to keep your eyes peeled on blogland to see where they pop up next!