Tuesday 27 March 2012

Studio Reveal

Some of you may know that my hubby collects rocks and minerals, well he decided it was time to kick me out of the rumpus room so he can turn it into his own little museum. The condition was that he renovate the spare bedroom for me to move into.  We stripped the painted wallpaper off the walls and then he fixed the plaster and painted them. He did some maintenance and repairs to the steel framed window and I had a blind made and the floor carpeted. The best thing is I can now heat this room in winter, so that means MORE stitching!
Not all my stuff has found a home yet and I still have some sorting and culling to do but here's some picks of my room so far. 
I'd like to cover the ugly black chair one day ,
 and get a cover for the timber one and paint my timber cubby holder on the left
lots of my scrapping supplies and magazines are stored here 
stack of some of my scrapping papers plus little treasures.

And while I'm blogging today I also have to show you this cutie,
I've been wanting my own sukeshi doll for ages ...
....isn't she just the sweetest!
She's made of fabric and handpainted by the talented doll artisan "Susie McMahon"
If you have time, scroll back through Susie's blog to see some of her creations.
I hope to one day attend one of her workshops and make one of those cute zozie dolls.

Happy Stitching everyone!

Friday 23 March 2012

Squeezing in a little stitchin'

Life is busy for me at the moment, in between work, family and uni I'm still managing to squeeze in a little bit of sewing.

I finished the cute hexagon thread catcher that Vicki showed everyone how to make at "Let's Get Stiitched", it's so simple to make and the end result is very cute.
I started working on the pillow that Dawn provided a pattern for and showed us all how easy it was to cut the shapes out using a GoCutter.
Aren't those flowers sweet!

I've also been working on a swap for Friends in Stitching (online group), I can't so you any photos of that just yet but it's looking rather cute.

The first few workshops at Uni have been great, my first assignment has been completed and marked....
8.5 out of 10, not too bad considering I'm not the best writer.
Next assignment is 750 words, we're working up to 3000 words for the third. 

I hope to show you photos next week of my new craft room, still a little bit of stuff to sort through but it's looking lovely.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Let's Get Stitched in Tassie 2012

Let's Get Stitched in Tassie was a huge success! Fee did an outstanding job co-ordinating the whole event and deserves all the applause. Visit Fee's blog for more pics and what we did.

6 Gorgeous Guest Designers all provided little tutorials and starter 
kits in the goodie bags.

LtoR Helen, Fee, Me, Vicki, Dawn and Joy

My little project, A Memory Keeper for all the ladies to keep their mementos from their visit in.

Ladies visited from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and even New Zealand! We shopped, ate, shopped, ate chocolate, stitched, laughed and just had a wonderful time! Thank-you to everyone for making it a memorable event!

I had the lovely Kerri come stay with me, we even had a couple of extra days together after the retreat for more shopping, stitching and eating.
Love you Kez!

Keep an eye on Dawn's Blog for next year's Let's Get Stitched as it moves to Adelaide!