(Photo bloglifted from Sarah's Prim Treasures)
(Photo bloglifted from Sarah's Prim Treasures)
Thank-you so much Mai, I'll treasure it forever! Thank-you too to Sandra at Quilt at Home for hosting this fun swap.
My pincushion must be close to reaching it's destination, stay tuned and I'll let you know who the recipient is!
I spent the weekend working on my Christmas in July swap gifts, nearly finished.
The Craft and Quilt Fair will be in Hobart this weekend, if you're there keep an eye out for me on "Stitch in Time" stand between 1:30 and 2:30, I'll be helping out Rosemary while she runs a workshop!!
Back to work today and looking forward to catching up with fellow workmate Ange whose returning from maternity leave. It'll be so good to chat about craft and girly things rather than AFL with the boys!!
Thank-you Ani she is so adorable and I just love her sweet stockings! Thank-you to Marcel, from Aunt Pitty Pats for hosting such a fun swap.
P.S. I went to meet a new little man today and he is such a sweetie. Sarah did such a lovely job producing this one.
Other news this week is my PIF's have started arriving at their destinations, "Sew Much Fabric, Sew Little Time, Sew True" and "Enbellefrance" have both arrived and "Trashcan's", must be about to knock on the door.
I'm now working on projects for the Pincushion Swap and the Christmas in July Swap, lots to keep me busy!