A work mate asked me ages ago to repair his teddy bear. This poor teddy had been in storage, in pieces and covered in sawdust, he was looking very unloved.

So today I unstitched, unstuffed, re-assembled, stuffed and stitched him back together again. I gave him a brush too. He's looking much happier but I'm thinking I might make him a waistcoat to freshen him up.

I also finished a Moonshine "Frilly Bag" today, so that's another finish for OPAM challenge for March. I fell in love with this bag at the AQC, just had to have one, it's so girlly!!

Now off to make a waistcoat!
What a lovely bag! And a lucky workmate. That Teddy looks so much happier for having been in your sewing room!
Now, thats what I call a make-over. He looks like a happy teddy now. Well done.
oh gosh you're so clever!
Good on you girl! That's awesome :D
Looks like you had fun at the show too.. Yeah!
Robyn xx
OH Jo what a great job with the teddy and i so love that bag as well. Good stuff!
Wow Jo..you have done heaps today!!! Have a great weekend...look forward to Teddy's waistcoat.
Hi Jo
Your Frilly Bag is so beautiful. I really enjoyed your AQC blog post too - all those lovely goodies!!
Janelle xx
Love to bag and love the repaired teddy, just trying to work out who's it might be!! Love your stuff.
great job on the teddy bear. he looks so much happier.
Love the bag Jo - Youd didn't waste anytime getting it made LOL. You have given Mr Ted a fantastic new lease of life. You could open up a hospital .....
Hey Jo!
I agree, that ted needs a coat!! You did a good job of putting him altogether again :+)
That bag is so chic! I have made a couple for gifts some time ago!
x Sarah
PS: Great to hear you had so much fun at AQC.
What a sweet thing to do for your workmate. I am sure they will love it. Please show the waistcoat.
Poor Ted. He looks much happier now that he is fixed. A waistcoat would look nice, good idea.
Am loving the frilly bag.
Hi Jo,
didn't know you had a dr. in teddy surgery ~ you did a great job!
And not only with that poor teddy but also with the bag ~it's gorgeous!
Teddy looks so much better now. I think a waistcoat would make him even happier.
Great bag you made!
Nice bag you made. Have a great day
Well i'll be darned if that isn't pld blue eyes, is the waistcoat tartan ?
Oh...that bear loves you...he says thankyou over and over again...:o)
Love your frilly bag...its gorgeous!! :o)
that looks like one very happy bear now Jo!!!! and i just love your bag, no wonder you had to have it!xx
I'm so in to girlie things,and that bag is sooooo gorgeous! I love the fabric you chose.
Teddy looks much happier! Yes, he'd do well with a waistcoat. :-) I rescued a couple of very old teddies from the op shop last year and one of them is sporting a felt waistcoat I made him, he looks loved now.
It's great to see you have made the bear happy again! The bag is gorgeous.
Oh Mr. Ted looks "so much better now" after your T.L.C. and that bag is to die for...just love it!
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