This is the fat quarter I received for the secret santa, a beautiful piece of At Water's Edge by Blackbird Designs, it's so pretty, Thank-you to the blogger or friend who put this in the basket!

There's 13 bloggers coming along and a few non-bloggers. Some of us have met at other gatherings. We're all looking forward to a fun filled day of stitching, chatting, eating and of course sharing a little of that blogging knowledge.
So if you're a Tassie Quilting blogger and we've missed you out this time round send me an email and who knows we might just do it again next year!
Lieve, you have truly spoilt me, you are one generous angel , thank-you so much I'll treasure it forever!
The second is my PIF from wonderful Stina. I know she's had a sore hand and I'm just amazed at how beautiful her work is. Look at this lovely wallhanging I should've ironed out the creases before I took a photo but I couldn't wait, just had to show it to you all....
it's beautiful Stina, Thank-you so much!! By the way I ate the chockies and they were scrummy!!
Thank-you ladies you made my day, I'll be smiling from ear to ear all day:-)
I better make a start on my PIFS for Ann J, Karol-Ann & Trashalou!!
Mum taught me how to use a rotary cutter, told me why I had to sew a 1/4 inch seam and how to do applique. It was from this I was totally hooked.
I made a few more teddies, like Hamish who I've posted about previously, Marnie who I made and sadly finished just after my grandmother (Marnie) passed away
I'm also a scrapbooker and this year I joined a "Book of Me" class just so I could do some girly layouts, here's a few, they're just a bit of fun. They're all on 8 x 8 pages.
it's an online class by Jessica Sprague. I've made the journal and now I hope to learn a bit about how to best write my life stories and put some down on paper!
What were the first things you made?
(Picture taken from Google Street View)
This shop stocks all those little knick-knack bits and pieces that you just can't get anywhere else. It's been so convenient to visit during my lunch break to get that one DMC thread I need for a project. This week they've reduced all their stock by 50% so today I bought some of those DMC threads I don't have, some wire hangers, freezer paper, magnetic clasps for bags, cord and some button covering kits. I'm heading back tomorrow to go through the fabrics and everything else.
So if you live in Southern Tasmania I'd get in quick because they're clearing the lot and they must be out before the end of November!
How could I resist, it's just perfect for work and says how I feel most of the time!!
Here she is proudly displayed on my desk at work, my colleagues think I'm strange!
Here's a Rosalie Quinlan doll "Sarah" that I made....
For some great patterns and felted wool visit The Quilted Crow.
P.S. Photo taken with the office camera during my lunch break of course!
P.S.S. Oops forgot to acknowledge the stapler it was from work too!!
Now back to work!!!
And not to mention all the housework, bit of gardening, grocery shopping, meals and last but not least giving my DS lots of cuddles because he said I don't give him as many cuddles anymore!
Note to self, cuddle DS everyday and tell him he's very special and I love him :-)